Monday 15 October 2018

Sunday 11th November Gospel: Mark 12:38-44

The Widows Mite

Image result for widows miteIn today’s Gospel, Jesus is courageously speaking out against the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of his time. He is encouraging all his followers to engage in a reality check. The hypocrisy of the scribes is in total contrast to the humility and generosity of the widow in the second part of the Gospel. She gives not of what she has to spare, but everything she has. She is freer than the others. We can be quick to make judgements about another person’s commitment based on what we see happening on the outside. Those leaders who acquire the best seats and show up in all the frills may not actually be all they appear to be. Jesus is urging us to look into the person’s heart for what is there is far more important than all the trappings on the outside.

The widow gives everything and this does not have to be about money. We might recall those today who give us their time, their support, who pray from the heart and give of themselves expecting nothing in return. We might thank them, pray for them. We can also look into our own hearts today and challenge our motivations for what we do. Is Can we give more of ourselves to God or to someone we love? A listening ear, ‘wasting time’ with people, looking at how we spend our money. Jesus call us to search our hearts and the hearts of others in today’s gospel. The widow models Jesus’ way of discipleship in contrast to the those in positions of leadership and power.

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