Today’s Gospel
offers us two stories of the healing miracles of Jesus showing us something of
how God’s grace can enter our lives and transform our situations. We can all
recall times when we were struggling, whether it be with a relationship or
illness. We needed something to move us, to help us forgive, to help us walk
away or to relieve us of physical pain. In the end it can be the simple
gestures that save us: a kind word, someone praying for us, a gentle touch or
we reach out to someone and like the woman with the haemorrhage we suddenly
feel within ourselves that we are healed.

As Mark returns to
the account of Jairus’ daughter we hear how Jesus restores the young girl to life
with the simple words: ‘Talitha, Kum!’ (little girl, get up). God’s grace is
gentle yet can bring life to situations of death. What do you need healing from
today? Ask the Lord for what you need.
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