God is not welcome (Feast of the Holy Family Sunday Dec. 30th 2016)
(Emmanuel) has to flee from the terror of Herod’s brutal regime. Joseph, his
protector, guides this Holy Family into exile. At the beginning of the Jesus
story, as with the end, God is not welcome. Millions and millions of people are
today caught up in the bitter experience of exile, fleeing war and insane
violence in Syria and other parts of the world. Like Joseph, Mary and Jesus,
they too are running for their lives. Their fate is at the mercy of the rest of
the world, which keeps saying ‘never again’, but appears to not really mean it.
We welcome Jesus into our world at Christmas; we must continue to welcome Him
in the refugee.
help us to remember those who tonight will go to sleep unfed and unwelcome,
strangers in foreign lands, people who have fled for their lives and are far
from their homes. We lift up to you millions in our world who are escaping
persecution and conflict, who have fled death, torture or exploitation. So many
have suffered so much. Lord Jesus, soften our hearts to their situation, and
help us follow your lead in seeking justice and mercy. We pray for an end to
the wars, poverty and human rights abuses that drive desperate people to become
refugees in the first place. We thank You that you are Lord of all the earth
and all its people are loved by you. We pray these things in the name of your
son who was himself born into the troubled life of a refugee. Amen (Tearfund).
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