At some point we have
all seen and heard someone shouting on the street or on the internet about the
end of the world. You’d be forgiven for thinking that today’s Gospel is trying
to achieve the same thing. We are reading the final chapters of Luke’s Gospel
for Year C. Jesus is in Jerusalem and the passages we hear are talking about
end times. The people gathered are obviously excited having seen how
magnificent the Temple is, having come ‘up from the country’ and Jesus is
trying to calm them down. The time for excitement might not be just yet. Jesus
reminds them, and us, that these things are short-lived and we should not be
too bothered about ‘fine stonework’ and ‘votive offerings’. These things do not
Jesus tries to comfort
the people regarding various crisis that will happen; the call is to take
perspective, to look at the bigger picture. Endurance is the message of today’s
gospel. The people of Jerusalem will witness the destruction of the Temple, the
disciples will face persecution, people of faith will have tough times ahead. Whatever
crisis may come, Jesus is affirming people to keep going, to stay focused and
not be afraid.
“Lord, when we are young we think that we become great through our
achievements. Life has taught us the truth of Jesus’ words: it is by endurance
that we win our lives” Michel de Verteuil

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