Wednesday 6 April 2016

"Come and have breakfast" ~ Reflection for Sunday 10th April 2016

During these Easter weeks we read from St. John’s Gospel. The passages are very deep and in today’s text (Jn 21:1-19) there are many things going on. Perhaps we might focus on Peter and the journey he has made:
We all have experience of friendships and relationships that break down. When that happens it feels like a death - we grieve, we get angry, we have regrets, we wonder ‘what if..?’ Three times Peter denied Jesus and today we hear Peter express his love for Jesus three times. Jesus welcomes Peter back into community with him. Peter experiences resurrection; he is given new life. There is no situation, no matter how terrible, that Jesus cannot transform, forgive, welcome back, restore. Peter says to Jesus – ‘Lord you know everything’ and we too must remember that Jesus knows our hearts, He knew Peter’s heart. The questioning here is perhaps so that Peter can hear it for himself. The relationship is restored and we, like Peter, are once more invited in to “Follow me!”

“Lord, we thank you for people who have forgiven us, not a mean, calculating forgiveness, not harping on the ways in which we wronged them, but forgiving with the forgiveness of Jesus, so that it was like coming back from a hard night’s work, and seeing some bread there and a charcoal fire with fish cooking on it and the very person we had hurt saying, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ And we not having to ask any questions because we knew that everything was forgiven.” (Michel de Verteuil)

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