Saturday 27 February 2016

Second Sunday of Lent 2016: Luke 9:28-36, (37-43) “Called to transformation”

Jesus takes the disciples up to the mountain top in today’s Gospel. In that space, they have a profound experience and are invited to see Jesus for who He really is. One can empathise with the disciples in this story as they do not want to leave that space. We all have had experiences that we want to last forever and are hugely disappointed when they are over. However, commitment to any cause very often involves a long and painful journey. Like the disciples in the Gospel today, there is a ‘hook’ moment, when Jesus or any leader shows us something different, a vision, a dream, something that is so wonderful and hope-filled that we commit there and then to making it happen. Then we realise that there is much work to be done and the path will not be so easy. Obstacles will arise, people will fall away, enthusiasm will waver, there will be set backs and disappointments. We are being called to commitment today, to the more difficult path. We are being called to open our ears and eyes to the Gospel message of transfiguration, of transformation.

Per capita, Ireland is one of the highest polluters in Europe. This is not a statistic to be proud of. We know we can do better. Coming down from the mountain, like the disciples, means making changes in our lifestyles that lower each of our carbon footprints. We start with ourselves.

 “We require a new and universal solidarity… All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own cultures, experience, involvements and talents.’ (Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 14)

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