Saturday 18 May 2013

May 19th Pentecost (John 20:19-23)

We can probably recall times when we were afraid, bewildered, felt like everything was falling apart and the doors were firmly locked. Today’s Gospel shows us that even in those difficult times, there is always hope. Jesus came and stood amongst the disciples even though the doors were firmly closed. The peace that he gives them (Shalom) has a much more significant meaning than we first think. The peace that Jesus offers is a peace that this world cannot offer. It is a peace that comes from a loving relationship with God. It is a peace of body, of mind and of spirit.

In John’s Gospel the account of Pentecost is a lot less dramatic than Luke’s version. The Holy Spirit comes gently, in a breath. John emphasises the importance of forgiveness in the mission to come. The disciples are being sent out to reconcile people to God, to restore relationships in the world. Forgiveness is costly but it has the power to transform people and heals destruction in the world, it offer that peace, that Shalom. It is through the Spirit that God is present to us in the world, doors are opened, fear turns to courage as we are sent out to work for a Kingdom of love and justice.

If we could let go of our own obsession with what we think is the meaning of it all, we might be able to hear His call and follow Him in His mysterious, cosmic dance. (Thomas Merton)

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