Today we hear from the Farewell Discourse in John’s Gospel. Jesus is replying to a question about why he does not show himself to the world. The disciples want fireworks, they want everyone to see who Jesus really is and are wondering why he does not put on some big performance for them. Jesus’ response is clear. You can learn all of his teachings off by heart but if you do not have a personal relationship with him, the rest is pointless. Knowing Jesus is about a relationship based on love.
Jesus is trying to explain to the disciples how they will experience him after his death. He is going away, but he is sending the Spirit to be with them and to teach them. He encourages them to not let their hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. “Peace” (Shalom) is more than a wish for a good evening or peaceful day. It expresses the desire that the person receiving the blessing might be whole in body, mind and spirit. It is not a peace that this world can give. It is a peace that comes only from a relationship with Him. Jesus is calling us into a personal relationship, not some superficial learning of key teachings or rituals, but into a real relationship of love.
"We can walk all we want, we can build many things, but if we don't proclaim Jesus Christ, something is wrong. We would become a compassionate NGO and not a Church which is the bride of Christ.” (Pope Francis).