Sunday 4 March 2012

Something Different for Lent 2

Second Sunday of Lent ~ 4th March 2012
Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone.” (Mark 9:2)

Welcome to week 2 of our Lenten Retreat. How are you doing? Did you manage to create a sacred space for yourself last week? If not, don’t worry, you can still do it with some candles, symbols, the colour purple for Lent!

This week’s task is to find space and time each day to be quiet and reflective. It is only when you stand back from the daily business that you can see things more clearly. Jesus is calling us to do that this week ~ to join him on the mountain. Decide what is best for you – ten minutes in the morning or evening? While out walking? Jesus takes the disciples up a mountain this week ~ if you have time to do that one day this week, great!

Prayer Suggestions for this week:
1. Breathing exercise: Be still. Take three deep slow breaths. Then, focus on your normal breathing. Do this for as long as you like. This is the breath of life. Thank God for this gift of breath and life. Repeat the following: “Lord, you are closer to me than my own breathing” (St. Teresa).

2. Gospel reflection ~ Read Mark 9:2-10 ‘The Transfiguration’ two-three times. Consider the following:
• The transfiguration experience was one that clarified Jesus’ relationship with his Father. What have been the experiences, the moments of insight that have clarified your relationship with God?
• The clear vision of Jesus with Moses and Elijah was followed by a frightening experience of being in a cloud and it was in the midst of the cloud that the disciples were instructed: “This is my Son, whom I love! Listen to him”. Have you had the experience of learning the truth about life and about your relationship with God from moments of confusion as well as from times of special joy?
• After their special experience the disciples came down the mountain again. Peter wanted to stay there, make tents there. But this is not the way it works. We cannot live each day at this level of special spiritual experiences. There is work to be done on the ground. However, these experiences can strengthen us in difficult times. What memories/experiences encourage you in time of trouble?

Suggestions for the week:
When you wake up in the morning:
Stay in the silence of that moment without radio, mobile phone or T.V. Become aware of your breathing. Be still. Take three deep, slow breaths, and then focus on your normal breathing. Tune in to the sounds in your house; listen to the ‘dawn chorus’ of the birds.
"I thank you, God, for the gift of life and creation. What can I do this Lent to show that I am a steward of God’s creation? Do I recycle? Could I walk/cycle instead of drive sometimes?"

When travelling on your own in the car, on the road, or on your bicycle: Open yourself to your environment and other pilgrims on the way; Look out for spring flowers; notice the colour and shape of buildings; observe the people around you.
I thank you, God, for your presence in every person, moment and place.

When going to sleep at night:
• Begin your preparations for bed earlier than usual and think of all the people you met today;
• Give thanks for all the blessings of the day;
• Let go of all hurts that have accumulated through the day ~ name them and give them to God.
"I thank you, God, for the gift of your companionship this day."

Thought for the Week:
The Sun Never Says (Hafiz)
“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth,
‘You owe me’. Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the whole sky."

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