Saturday 31 March 2012

Fifth Sunday of Lent ~ 25th March 2012

John 12:20-33 “If it dies, it yields a rich harvest.”

Suggestions for the week:
Sacred space: This week perhaps you could place some seeds in your prayer space at home.
Breathing exercise: Take some time each day this week to be still. Take three deep slow breaths. Focus on your normal breathing. This is the breath of life. Repeat “Lord, you are closer to me than my own breathing” (St. Teresa). Continue this exercise for as long as you can.

Gospel Reflection: Read John 12:20-33 two-three times.

Sit with the text, and pick a word or phrase that stands out to you. Repeat that word or phrase in your mind. Why is that word or phrase relevant to you at this moment?

Some reflections on this text which may help you:
1. Jesus knows that a crisis point has arrived. He opts to stay faithful to the mission given him by God. Can you recall decisions over which you agonised? What was that like for you? What was it like when you made a decision that you were anxious about, but believed it was the right one for you?
2. The parable of the grain of wheat reminds us of a truth that any parent can testify to: that it is in dying to ourselves that we give life to others. We will never be of benefit to others if we remain wrapped up in ourselves. In what ways has your dying to yourself brought life to another? How has the generous giving of another brought life to you?
3. Sometimes we feel like praying Father, save me from this hour. Then a realisation may come for you as a parent, a teacher, a spouse, a friend: No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Recall times when you have accepted pain or hassle and been a source of life to others for doing do. (Adapted from Fr. Kieran O’Mahony

Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated on March 24th 1980 as he
celebrated Mass in El Salvador. He was killed for speaking out against oppression and injustice and standing for the poor. His words on the Eucharist still challenge us today:
“There are so many hungry people in this world, and their hunger is more than physical. Children are starving for love and affection. The elderly are groaning out of loneliness. People in our families and circle of friends are craving our time and attention. The wealthy hunger for meaning... We are called to feed others with love, care, compassion, concern, hospitality and justice. This is precisely what we commit ourselves to at each Eucharist… When we say ‘Amen’ we accept the challenge. We say ‘Yes!’ That ‘Amen’ is one of the most important words we say at Mass. We should think twice before we say it. It should make us shudder.”

Tasks for this week: Read some more information on this year’s Trocaire campaign. Find out about Daniel and his village.
Thursday night 29th March, we will show the film “ROMERO” in the pastoral centre @ 7.30pm. Come along and watch the life and work of Oscar Romero.

Prayer for this week:
Lord, we remember all those who know that their hour has come: couples about to commit themselves for life to each other, people, secure in their jobs who know you are calling them to move on into some new field; parents who must now let go of their children; friends who have decided to break off a relationship which is harmful to them; families facing a drop in their standard of living. Help them to feel Jesus making the journey with them. Remind them of his pain and how he had to tell himself that unless the grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies it remains only a single grain, but if it died it yields a rich harvest. (Michel de Verteuil)

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