Tuesday 19 June 2018

June 3rd 2018 Corpus Christi

On the feast of Corpus Christi we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist. It was one of the last actions of Jesus to give us this nourishment for our life journey, to remember Him and to help us to live out His teachings in our daily lives.

As Christ’s followers we are all called to change from within so that we can be part of the building of a Kingdom of love, justice and peace in this world, so that we ourselves are transformed in some way. The Eucharist, as Pope Francis says, “is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak”. It is a call for all of us to grow and to share with one another Christ’s message of love and peace. The Eucharist sustains us on this Christian path and brings us together as sisters and brothers travelling together on this journey of faith. We should leave this table changed by the encounter, a little lighter, a little more hopeful and joyful, a little stronger. In a movie I saw recently there was a line which said ‘the world will only change as we change’. The Eucharist invites us to this transformation. Because “in the Eucharist, God comes to us not from above, but from within. In the Eucharist the whole cosmos gives thanks to God… it is itself an act of cosmic love... The Eucharist joins heaven and earth; it embraces and penetrates all creation.” (Pope Francis, Laudato Si).

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