Thursday 19 February 2015

First Sunday of Lent ~ Mark 1: 9-15 "Urgent Wilderness"

The Gospel today sends us out into the ‘wilderness’. It may be a daunting concept with the ‘wild beasts’ but we need not worry. This short passage from Mark is clear about who is in charge; it is the Spirit who sends. Very often we need some ‘wilderness’ to help us stop and reflect on our lives and where we are going. In this sense Lent can be a very special season for many people and the Gospel texts offer a particular richness that invite us to transformation and real change. Each Lent we are invited to choose life; to choose the things that are life giving for us and to clear out the blocks that stand in our way.

This year we are asked to engage with the urgent issue of Climate Justice as Trocaire’s Lenten Campaign brings us to the ‘cradle of humanity’: Ethiopia. When we picture this amazing country we probably think of images of famine or hunger. This biased image does not do justice to what is a vibrant country with a reputation for amazing landscapes, an ancient culture, a diversity of languages and food; its unique Christian churches and saints. 

We are invited into this beautiful land this Lent, to listen to people’s stories, to hear their struggles and to think deeply about the kind of world we want for generations to come. Climate Change is having disastrous effects for people all over the world and we are having a direct impact with Ireland the second highest polluter per capita  in the EU. If we do anything this Lent, please let us think about how we can live more sustainable lives. There is a lot to reflect on as we enter the wilderness. 

“I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I’m not the same, the next question is ‘Who in the world am I?’ Ah, that’s the great puzzle!” ( Lewis Carrol)

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